Friday, May 25


So I've put my beautiful frame tent, and my life will now be filled with 'intent'! The brave step to spend my last two weeks at uni under canvas has many positives, for starters my tolerance for pollen goes up therefore my hayfever lessens, its so much cooler to be in a tent in this weather, and camping is just cool fullstop! It also means that I get used to sleeping on the floor well before I take my role as site warden for the Festival here at Cliff College ( which I am very excited about.

Further more I get to spend my 21st birthday doing something I love, camping.
And I get to do the last day of my 20th year doing ava (fixing cables, testing sound, moving equpiment, heat shrinking and soldering) which is greatly exciting as well.

So here is to the summer, to festival and the last day of my 20th year. 

Wednesday, May 16

Today's the day

So I know its been a while but I decided to take the time out to finish my degree, and as of today that is exactly what has happened. Today I finished my degree.

What next then, after your degree, the common question that haunts my mission trips, my preaching, in fact most things, well today I received the contract for the job which I will accept. As of September I will be a Children's and Families worker in the North of Wales. (Yes along way from home in Norfolk).

But as much as today is the day, today I am tired. Three years here at Cliff are not yet over not till I graduate but these last three weeks which I will live here I am going to try and remember to be aware of what God has placed before me and blessed me greatly with. So here is to the next two events that mark the end of my time here at Cliff. Festival and Graduation.

So I am back, but tonight I am tired and soon I will be sleeping.

Like all good students!