Friday, September 14

Non Dry Clothes

So today came another first.... I have never used a laundrette outside the Christian Bubble, and sadly I did not go in time to also dry my clothes. So now they are haphazardly hung around the flat. When you make minor mistakes like this your glad of a flat three flights up so that no one can see the trouser hung in the window. I can imagine some of you laughing at my misfortune... please do as I am laughing at myself to. The small mistake, mishap, mad moment, I'm know is not my first mistake here in the North of Wales, and I am aware that in my ministry wherever I am it is not likely to be my last, i doubt it will even be my funniest! I mean I'm catching a train on Tuesday and I am rubbish with trains. I wonder how when we are faced with failure and upset do we keep moving forward. Humanity keeps on going, no matter what the upset or the hardship or the mistake. It reminded me of a piece of wall - its not often you can say that.

Love will win!
This is a picture of the Peace Wall in Belfast.

Love will win.

Why am I working in Conwy, or in other jobs before this. Why did I finish every assignment at Uni how ever much I despise essays, why do I preach at every opportunity, or attempt travelling by train. Why go to coffee mornings... because in-spite of the mistakes I make at these events or in these moments love will win. God will win.

He is in control, my success and my failures are his. However much I hope that I will not fail, some things will and I have to understand that God is control. He is even in control of my non-dry clothes!

His Love WILL Win.

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