Tuesday, January 31

Who am I, who is I am: Lilly Allen and the story of moses (part one)

Okay so as promised further thoughts and blogs on NMSC2012. I will say now that this may or maynot have anything to do with what was actually spoken and I may have got the gist entirely wrong (small disclaimer) but this is what I took from them and have been meditating from with God since that time.

SO... Lily Allen and Moses, that great classical combination, right! Most people will probably know the story of Moses but if you don't its a great epic in the bible. A story that  just kind of blows you away when you begin to think about it, make a great film even just the first bit of mosses life so what is there, um, genocide, an attempt to float a baby down the river, adopted by a princess, excepted in the royal family, murder, burning bushes, God, Plagues, parting of rivers etc. etc. (on a side not I love the women in the beginning of the story a true moment of girl power!)

But I'm going to be concentrating on just the small encounter with the burning bush. (a link to the story: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+3&version=NIV)

There are many points you can bring from this story and I love the story because I once asked for a burning bush a sign to what I should do, and I didnt get one on fire but I turned the corner in a road (cause its natural to drive and pray) and there it was as the sun was setting just there in front of me this bright red tree shining!

Now theres two kinda points that fit with Lilly Allen songs as Eunice Attwood pointed out. This idea of who am I, and who is God - I am.
the first is Lilly Allen's "the fear: It looks at who I am, or rather kinda how people think we are. As a young person I really worry that that is how are generation is seen, let alone how people actually feel. I can say that actually I don't want to be a consumerist, I want to be authentic for God. With in the story of Moses, when he encounters god he ask who am I to go. This is a feeling that resonates within, most if not nearly all people. The idea of being scared, of being fearful of ourselves and who we are, and what we are called to do, more so the unknown version of this tale is probably seen clearly in the biblical story of moses. This man we often have heard of in sunday school and church questioned his own identity and ability. Now The Lilly Allen song say a lot about this generation (and sorry I'm going to bombard you with videos but!) this morning in prayers we had another video, its a video I've seen many times before based on a poem by Pete Grieg.

I hope I pay more attention to the second vision than that of the first. I do not want to have the vision pressed upon me like that of Lilly Allen's fear cause I do have a vision in Christ, and you know what it might not be completely Pete Grieg's vision (but I get that) because I don't care what people think about me I will just move in Christ... like the video say.

Watch out for part two soon.

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